Web content


No matter how much we write in our everyday lives, creating content about ourselves can be uncharted territory. We can all benefit from an outside opinion on our web content. How are we coming across? Does our copy sound natural or weirdly stiff? Is it immediately clear what we stand for and what we’re offering?

Experience in both writing web copy for global clients and small businesses has made it easy for me to see what’s wrong and how to fix it. We’ll work together on creating website copy that actually reflects you and your business.

Blog content


Maintaining a regular blog is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website; more than that, it helps customers warm to your brand. But here’s the catch: every post must add value for your reader, not just sell a product or service.

You need SEO-friendly titles to pull readers in. You need copy with enough hooks to keep them from wandering off to make a cup of tea. You need content that actually says something. So you should probably pay a professional to do it.

Just saying.

Editing and proofreading


I cut my teeth editing and proofreading non-fiction books; in fact, I worked in the publishing industry for nearly 10 years. As such, I can spot uncomfortable syntax and misused semi-colons a mile off.

Call it a superpower, if you will.

Editing is quite involved: it addresses the structure, flow and the overall sense of your writing. Proofreading is lighter: it’s for polishing copy and ensuring it’s completely error-free.